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Project information

EXCOM: Flexible Operation of Nuclear Assets (POC)

J. García-González A.F. Oviedo-Gómez

November 2024 - December 2024

Funding entity Endesa Medios y Sistemas S.L

The overall objective of the project is to conduct a proof of concept to model the operation of nuclear power plants managed by Endesa under the specified technical requirements. Additionally, a functional analysis will be carried out to explore how this functionality could be integrated into the Excom tool in a second phase.

Layman's summary: This project is part of the developments of the Excom model, which allows: 1) determining the schedule of start-ups and shutdowns of the thermal units of ENEL-Endesa, as well as their provisional hourly scheduling, 2) determining the optimal management of hydro resources, and 3) obtaining estimates of daily market prices (MD) taking into account the complete portfolio of purchases and sales of ENEL-Endesa, as well as estimates of the behavior of competing agents. This collaboration focuses on the operation of nuclear power plants managed by Endesa under the specified technical requirements

Techniques employed: Mixed integer linear programming
